SRX23536354: Epimenia babai Oxford Nanopore data
1 OXFORD_NANOPORE (GridION) run: 7.4M spots, 30.1G bases, 7.4Gb downloads
Design: Genomic DNA was extracted from cryo-preserved tissue using the EZNA Tissue DNA Kit (Omega Bio-tek) followed by cleaning and size selection for high-molecular-weight fragments with Ampure beads. Sequencing libraries were prepared with the LSK-109 ligation-based library preparation kit and sequenced in-house using R9.4.1RevD flow cells on a GridION. Reads were base called with Guppy 4.0 and trimmed with PoreChop (Wick 2018) with the --discard_middle flag.
Submitted by: The University of Alabama
Two draft genomes of enigmatic Solenogastres (Aplacophora, Mollusca) Epimenia babai and Neomenia megatrapezatashow Abstracthide AbstractIllumina and Oxford Nanopore genomic data from the solenogasters Epimenia babai and Neomenia megatrapeza
Epimenia babai Oxford Nanopore dataLibrary:
Name: Ebabai_Aokusu-1
Instrument: GridION
Strategy: WGS
Selection: RANDOM
Layout: SINGLE
1 run, 7.4M spots, 30.1G bases, 7.4Gb